Towards Bethlehem is a dramatic, three-season television series of hour-long episodes that follow characters with story arcs covering several decades and three generations. Grounded in historical fact, the series is peopled with iconic names that dominated the beginning of the 20th century and continue to influence our political, social, and global events a century later. 

Towards Bethlehem

Season One, Jimmy Allen joins the American Occupation Forces in Europe after WWI. Forced to return    home without his Austrian fiancé, he leaves her pregnant and desperately alone. Their son grows into young manhood harboring hatred for the American who abandoned them, ripe for recruitment into Hitler’s Brown Shirts. Back home, Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism sparks the American Nazi movement and influences young Adolph Hitler.

Season Two begins on D-Day on Normandy Beach and explores the impact of German prisoners of war on a small Midwestern  town where Jimmy’s sons—one American, one a German POW—meet for the first time.

Season Three begins in the 1950s with Jimmy’s grandchildren; in 10-year increments, major cultural shifts are showcased through generations of resentment and violence in the U.S.  and abroad to arrive at contemporary times and the siege  on the US Capitol.